None of us commences life utterly alone. We each carry within our granular mass the protoplasm residue of past generations’ ideas, customs, values, infatuations, prejudices, ethics, and mores. The lees wrought from our seedlings contribute to the social order that oversees a newborn’s future. How we conduct ourselves in the here and now emulates our heritage, delineates the parameters of the present culture, and sets the embryonic stage for the emergent ethos of our future and for the generations of people whom we will never meet. . Kilroy J. Oldster
About This Quote

Life is a continuum. We all grow up and we all die. It is our upbringing and environment that makes us who we are. Back in the 1960s, one of the most influential writers of the day, John F.

Kennedy said, "Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Everyone feels it, no one explains it." And today, American philosopher, Harvey Cox offers his interpretation of what Kennedy meant by his words: "Our lives are lived in an intricate spiderweb of interconnected lives... We make ourselves through the intersection of the lives around us."

Source: Dead Toad Scrolls

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